
As previously mentioned, many of the employees required for the project would be recruited from the small communities surrounding the 3700-acre site of the new project, including Portsmouth and Chillicothe, each about 20 miles from the site.

Two major problems of transportation resulted from the fact that not only was it neces­sary to reach the plant site, but once at the site, a means of transportation to the actual place of employment was essential.

Transportation within the worksite was an efficiency issue; both economically and physically. In an effort to save both time and effort, a project bus system was developed.

Although some employees provided their own vehicles, accessible public transportation to assist others with travel to and from the work site was a necessity, and several factors were considered before developing a transportation system: the number of employees using the system, the distance to be traveled, demands on the existing road systems, and existing public carriers which were presently serving the general area.

Overpass Road Nears Completion

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