Click on the thumbnails below to see a larger version of the picture.
North Side of the X-111A Special Nuclear Materials Monitoring Portal, August 2014, Facing Southwest.
South Side of the X-111A Special Nuclear Materials Monitoring Portal, August 2014, Facing Northeast.
North Side of the X-111B Special Nuclear Materials Monitoring Portal, August 2014, Facing Southwest.
North Side of the X-111B Special Nuclear Materials Monitoring Portal, August 2014, Facing Southeast.
The front of the X-111B Special Nuclear Materials Monitoring Portal.
The inside of the X-111A monitoring system.
The inside of the X-111B monitoring station security checkpoint.
The inside of the bay area of the X-111A Special Nuclear Materials Monitoring Portal.
Demolition begins on the X-111A Special Nuclear Materials Monitoring Portal.
Demolition of the X-111A Special Nuclear Materials Monitoring Portal.
An aerial view of the demolition of the X-111A Special Nuclear Materials Monitoring Portal.
An aerial view of the demolition of the X-111A Special Nuclear Materials Monitoring Portal.